Our mission is to redefine luxury by crafting rare and sustainable products, embodying values centred on transparency, sustainability, and the highest standards of animal welfare.

Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in every cloth, exclusively using Escorial wool sourced from the small Escorial flocks in New Zealand and Australia.

We use, sustainable production methods that not only ensure the longevity of our luxurious cloth but also contribute positively to the environment.


The Escorial name and trademark stands for sustainability, quality, and authenticity. Escorial maintains this quality and integrity through ownership and management of the secure and transparent supply chain, and has a direct line of traceability from the Escorial fabric, back to the farms that grow Escorial wool.

This ensures unrivalled transparency and ensures trust among our valued customers and esteemed partners.


The farms in which Escorial wool is reared are certified under Responsible Wool Standard (RWS). This globally recognised voluntray standard guarantees excellence in sheep welfare, and the lands on which they graze on.


Looking ahead, we commit to ongoing support for sustainable farming practices, further reducing our environmental impact, and exploring innovative, eco-friendly materials and processes.

Aligned with The SIL Group's sustainable policies, we actively engage in developing partnerships and improving operating conditions throughout our supply chain, contributing to the long-term sustainability of our industry.

We believe that true luxury lies in the harmony of rarity and sustainability - a commitment that extends beyond our products to the positive impact we aim to make on the world.